Foster Texas - Cedar Park
1460 E Whitestone Blvd
Ste 120
Cedar Park, TX 78613
Phone: (972) 822-6521
Thank you for your interest in Foster Texas! We are currently recruiting families to care for children in a variety of programs.
There is an urgent need for families who can care for older children and children with psychological and behavioral needs.
We are available to discuss our programs and to answer any questions that you may have. Please reach out @ 972.822.6521 if we can be of any assistance.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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Our Mission
Advance targeted services to promote forever families for children.
Our Vision
Uniting the child welfare community to achieve safety and permanency for all children.
Our Values
EXCELLENCE--Foster the highest standards
No cutting corners
Thorough - dot all "I"s and cross all "T"s
Consistent adherence to quality practice
Exceeding expectations
Dedication to quality practice
Support/Buffer for Foster Parents - "Going to bat" with the families
TENACITY--Never give up
Persistence pursuit of preferred outcomes (chasing documentation)
Steadfast stalwart practice
HUMILITY--Consider others' needs first and foremost
Deference to others
Submission to authority
Servanthood to those in authority
Listening to others
Ask for help when you need it
INTEGRITY--Commit to the truth with consistency
Share information even when it may not be beneficial
Tell the truth
Don't have to look over our shoulder
Clear conscience
Avoiding conflicts of interest
Avoiding transactional relationships
COLLABORATION--Unsparingly share resources with other like-minded people
Generously share to help others
Giving without expecting
Teamwork makes the dreamwork!
SINCERITY -- clear agenda -- address shortcomings without hesitation
STEWARDSHIP -- take care of what you are given
"measure twice cut once"
live within our means
spend in accordance with agency service plan
taking care of our people
staff is an asset and not an expense
time, talent, and treasure
entrusted guidance
Foster Texas is committed to focusing on the needs of children and families without reservation